Monday, April 20, 2015

Podcast of the Week (Tim Ferriss #2)

This week's Podcast of the Week comes from the Tim Ferriss Show, episode #2 with guest, Josh Waitzkin.  Josh was the inspiration for the boy in the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer and went on from mastering chess to becoming a world champion in Tai Chi push hands and black belt in jiu-jitsu.  His foundation, the Art of Learning Project, is all about learning how to learn, a goal I hold dear to my heart.


Josh went from chess to meditation, to Eastern philosophy then to Tai Chi Chuan.  He noticed a connection between his Tai Chi training and playing chess.

He wrote the Art of Learning after these experiences.

Playing simultaneous games of chess, up to 40 or more, he felt like he was in an "energetic flow" and he could even tell when someone tried cheating because the "flow" would be disrupted.

He focuses actually on Unlearning.  Finding subtle obstructions, friction points, cognitive biases.

Learning is exploring self-expression.

Deep introspection leads to top performance results.

Hemingway's two principles of writing:

1). Leaving something left to write at the end of the day (even if you stop mid-sentence)
2). Release your mind from it, leave it alone until the next day

Cognitive Biases are discussed, a very good topic to research!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Jack Canfield's Success Principles: a list.

Everyone knows the Chicken Soup for the Soul books, but not nearly as many people know Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.  The common denominator in both titles is the author, Jack Canfield.  

I came across his book recently and have been floored by the immense amount of useful and valuable knowledge contained!  If you're not reading this, you're missing out.

jack canfield success principles

Be sure to visit Jack's website for the book, there is a ton of extras there.  I first heard Jack talk about the Success Principles on James Altucher's podcast, check that out here.

I couldn't find a list of the success principles anywhere on the internet so I created this as a quick reference for myself and for others.  I'm memorizing this list of principles, and will include my study in a future post on memorization. . .

I.  The Fundamentals of Success

1.  Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
2.  Be Clear Why You're Here
3.  Decide What You Want